Celebrating 23 years of quality Yoga

Spinal freedom

Class Length: Individually tailored
2018-08-07 12:38:00

Gill’s Story

I was diagnosed with ‘S’ shaped Idiopathic Structural Scoliosis at the age of 14 which I endured into my twenties, when to my incredible good fortune Yoga entered my life. This gave me an instantaneous, huge release of physical and emotional tension. 

Unfortunately, a car accident in 2008, which left me with a whiplash injury to the thoracic spine. Yoga helped me manage the condition, but I turned a corner when I undertook Yoga for Scoliosis with Elise Browning Miller. This generated a catalytic release in the stuck muscles in my middle back and the pain from the injury dissolved!  I enjoyed and ‘felt’ visible improvement to the symmetry and alignment of my back.

My spinal freedom continues to be maintained with daily practice of Yoga for Scoliosis..

I have also been privileged to assist Elise Browning Miller on Yoga for Scoliosis teacher training.

All these experiences have inspired me to teach Yoga for Scoliosis to children and adults. 

Class Content

Class Content

Each One-to-One Session is based on Iyengar Hatha Yoga – which focuses on alignment, and modification of Yoga poses using props . It is carefully tailored to your unique curve/s and age. It is a combination of physical Yoga postures, breathing techniques (Pranayama) and deep relaxation.

Yoga for Scoliosis will help you to achieve more symmetrical alignment to your body, as “the body with Scoliosis has developed a highly sophisticated compensating ‘act’ and it can also learn a more refined symmetrical ‘act’ with proper instruction.
Elise Browning Miller

This is achieved by stretching muscles that have become tight and perhaps painful, strengthening muscles that have become weak, and practising twists to help rotate your spine back towards your body’s midline. . For Scoliosis sufferers, this type of Yoga practice will help ease pain, improve posture and ‘ brace’ muscles to support the spine. 


  • Feel more balanced and comfortable about your Scoliosis in your body and mind;
  • Potentially help to prevent the progression of your curve/s and spinal rotation;
  • Alleviate stiffness, discomfort and pain;
  • Improve your posture;
  • Create muscular strength and balance and encourage your spine to lengthen;
  • Learn and develop home Yoga practice
  • Empower yourself to take control of your health and well-being.

Private One-to-One Yoga sessions are available for children and adults with major and minor Scoliosis. As this is a One-to-One service, feel free to contact Gill even if you aren’t in the Greater Belfast , Lisburn or Holywood areas.

Telephone: 078 7981 0630
Email: gillyoga@hotmail.com



Since commencing Yoga for Scoliosis with Gill and practising it daily - my daughter has less back pain. She is more mobile and her stamina is better. She is able to walk for longer periods. She is less self conscious, as there is less rotation of her shoulder blade.

Available Yoga For ScoliosisOne to One Classes


Morton Community Centre Belfast

Class Time: 1030- 13.30