These classes or One to One sessions will calm your body and mind. When our mind quietens, even for a short duration, we can access deep inner peace.. Meditation shows us how to cease identifying with the ceaseless mental chatter, ‘stories’ and imaginations of the mind It can completely alter our attitude to life and our self-identification. During these periods of meditation, even if only a few minutes, we can feel enormous joy that carries over into our daily life allowing us to be less stressed, more creative and able to carry out our duties more effortlessly.
During the class / course the following core practices may be taught :-
- Asanas (Simple stretches to relieve tension)
- Pranayama (Deep Yogic breathing)
- Mudra (hand gestures to seal energy)
- Bhandha (Body locks)
- Mantra (Use of sound vibration)
These classses are suitable for those new to meditation or seasoned meditators As a daily practitioner of meditation herself Gill’s classes will provide a safe, supportive environment to explore the deeper aspects of ourselves, tune into our inner wisdom (Gyana) and access inner peace.